Price calculation
Price Mapping
Stockeo gives you a possibility to update product prices based on the supplier feed.
Add the Price field in the Data Mapping section, and specify which column/node contains prices in the supplier feed.
Price Formula
The available variables are
- the feed pricesku
- the feed SKUquantity
- the feed quantity, available if added to data mappingcost
- the product cost as in the feed, available if added to data mappingvariant.price
- the current variant price in Shopify (before update)
You can use all the standard Liquid math filters to perform calculations.
Use the plus
filter to add a number.
Use the minus
filter to subtract a number.
Use the times
filter to multiply price by a given number.
Use the divided_by
filter to divide price by a given number.
Use the round
filter to round the price to the nearest integer or to the specified number of decimals.
Use the ceil
filter to round the price up to the nearest integer.
Use the floor
filter to round the price down to the nearest integer.
Use the at_least
filter to limit prices to a minimum value.
You can combine the standard math filters to achieve more price-specific rounding.
Round up to .99
Use the following formula to round prices up to the nearest .99
If a price is already a whole number, then the formula will still subtract one cent. If you prefer to keep whole prices as they are, and only round up fractions to .99, then use the following formula.
Add markup to the feed price using metafields
With Stockeo you can shape prices in your store based on the amounts from the feed and markup stored in the metafields for individual products.
In order to access to the metafield use one of the following pattern:
For example, if you want to add a 50% markup to the product's price, you need to set the markup metafield to 50 and use the following price formula:
The default filter prevents error when the metafield with the markup is empty. In such a case the product price will be the same as the amount in the feed.
Calculate the product price depending on the price level in the feed
If you want the calculation of the price of a product in your store to change depending on the price in the feed, you can use the Liquid formula with if/elsif statements.
What price does the above code return?
If the price in the feed is between 0 and 4.99, it will be multiplied by 3. If the feed price is between 5 and 9.99, it will be multiplied by 2. If the feed price is between 10 and 14.99, it will be multiplied by 1.5. In all other cases, the product price will be equal to the feed price.
Get price from different columns conditionally
Assume you want to take a price from the column RRP. When RRP is equal to 0 or empty, then get a value from the column Price. To handle this case, use the following Liquid code in the Price field:
The code above is used to select from which column Stockeo should take the price. If you set a price formula to calculate the final price, it will be executed on the value that Stockeo selected according to the above condition.
Last updated